Get to Know Velle Forget

Velle tells her story while pacing around the W’drawing Room, stopping and turning to make a point, leaning on bits of Furniture for just a moment at a time, casting her Eyes this way and that, always animating her Words with a sort of extemporaneous Dance. Her Face scrunches. Her semicircular Smile comes and goes. Her Eyes crinkle.

Säve has a new Notebook and a new calm business of Notetaking. Velle gives her a Feast of Gestures and Forms to sketch.

She went to a Fancy School. Thus she knows things like Etiquette, Old Songs, Classics, and Archery. She claims not to have been particularly good at any of these pursuits, compared to the others, but you suspect that the others would all make the same claim to Modesty. That… inaccurate self-assessment seems to be part of the Etiquette bit.

(Maybe it was in a picture of Students at a Fancy School that you saw a Uniform like Y wears. You’ll have to ask him later if he went to one, too. Just at the moment he seems even more impassively detached than usual.)

Velle has seen the Plumbago Mines. She has written a Story every day for three years, usually just before Bed, in her Journal. In the Morning, she quietly reads the previous night’s Story to herself before getting out of Bed. (Säve already knows this, as Velle’s Room-mate.)

She has Clutter Affinity.

What is Clutter Affinity