Then it gets even better

Ci has a sort of Bundle, wrapped in rough choco-brown linen and tied with a pale blue ribbon. She hands it to you. Her smile stops saying the other things and switches to saying, oh, you are probably going to like the thing that is in here.

The morning is misty in a way that seems to wrap the Garden up into a private space. Normally you would be able to see a few other Houses from here; Neighbors you may never talk to again. Normally you would be able to see down the Road a ways toward the Dael where you recorded your most cherished Disks. Normally you would be able to hear some Bustle, if not much Hustle these days; instead even the Voices of the Dust are silent.

All the tension and fear of the past several days has evaporated in the minutes since you saw your Sisters' Smiles, whose Smiles you thought you might not see again for years. You unwrap the Bundle. Inside it is a Dress.

Scrutinize Dress